For the past 30 days I’ve had turmeric tonic twice everyday and here’s what I’ve noticed.
Zero pain in my body.
This is BIG
This is (really) big considering I’ve lived with pain in my hips and lower back for most of my life as result of scoliosis. A lifetime of misalignment and decades of ‘pushing through’ with exercise has caused chronic inflammation and osteoarthritis that at times can be excruciating.
Tried it All
I’ve tried all the standard remedies physio therapy, dry needling, acupuncture, massage, topical creams and modifications to exercise. While these helped none of them left me completely pain free.
I kept motoring on……C’est la vie.
Then I Discovered Turmeric
Two years ago I discovered turmeric and have been a fan since. I’ve taken supplements, I use it liberally in food, I make golden milk (think turmeric latte without the caffeine) and I drink turmeric smoothies. They’re all awesome. But the very best one has been this…Turmeric Tonic. I drink it twice a day, sometimes as a cold drink and other times I dilute half and half with boiling water and make a warming tea.
Will it yellow my teeth?
No. I’m asked this all the time and considering what it does to your hands when you work with the fresh root or powder it’s a very good question. I was concerned too. But I can safely say it does not affect teeth colour. In fact I have very thin enamel on my front teeth and it does not affect the colour of my teeth at all. Whewwwww…… safe.
What else does turmeric do?
The active compound curcumin is known to have a wide range of medicinal benefits not just anti-inflammatory but anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, anti-bacterial and anti-virus as well.
TURMERIC has been proven as an effective treatment for the pain of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. It aids in cancer prevention, it boosts liver detoxification by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens. This wonder spice lowers cholesterol too. It is beneficial in the prevention of Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease and most recently has been used in the treatment of depression.
TURMERIC has extraordinary beautifying properties specifically related to how it cleanses the blood. It keeps the red blood cells from clumping, increases circulation and aids in tissue healing. Because it helps increase circulation and promotes better blood flow, turmeric helps make the skin more glowing, supple and healthy looking.
Here’s the awesome recipe for turmeric tonic I’ve been drinking for the last 30 days.
2 tsp (I use 3 tsp) powdered turmeric or 4” piece fresh grated
1 tbsp powdered ginger or 3” piece fresh grated
3 lemons peeled
1 tsp coconut oil
3 cups water or coconut water
*Dash of pepper.
OPTIONAL – 1-2 tsp honey to sweeten
Process in vitamix or other high efficiency blender.
Store in fridge for 3 days.
Stir before pouring – it tends to settle.
Play around with quantities to create a blend you like.
*Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmeric-spiced food enhances curcumin’s bioavailability by 1,000 times, due to black pepper’s hot property called piperine. By mixing turmeric and black pepper together, you increase your body’s absorption of the turmeric by 2000%.

Everything you need to make turmeric tonic..I used fresh turmeric and ginger root this time I often use powder.
Want more information on Turmeric?
Here are additional posts that have appeared on Red Shoe Zone with even more info and recipes for turmeric.
The Miracle Spice and Why You Need it
Try Golden Milk for What Ails You
Please share with all Sisters who need a health boost or relief from chronic inflammation and pain.
Let’s get on with Life!
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