The POWER of the Like Minded
“I like your shoes.”
My husband and I had been winding our way through the streets of Ubud, Bali looking for lunch. A wild goose chase searching for a recommended vegetarian warung proved unsuccessful. Now, we were simply trying to decide where to plant our hungry selves.
The Australian lilt broke my concentration. I looked up to see a stunning young woman with a huge smile, who it turns out, is a fellow Canadian living in Australia. She is with a traveller from Rome, both guests at the same home stay down the street. We start talking and discover in 30 seconds we were all vegetarians looking for lunch. They asked if we’d like to join them. We did.
The next hour passed quickly. We discussed the benefits of a vegetarian and raw food diet, making the choice to leave university, travel the world and learn about life and how an old idea made new by applying it today could have the power to change how we do business.
The latter was from the Rome based young man, who had built a company that could very well change how we perceive currency. It is a fascinating idea with limitless potential and he is deeply passionate about the possibilities. In Ubud he was finding many like minded people, who embraced and championed his work. Positive energy surrounded him and he was filled with renewed spirit.
I’m reminded of the power of the like minded! Surrounding ourselves with like minded people can be like wind beneath our wings, the energy can carry us to great heights and propel us forward with speed and immediacy, fear literally evaporates in the presence of such a positive force. In the company of like minded we are uplifted, our momentum and growth, rapid and acccelerated. Ideas flow. We become unstoppable.
Like mindedness was at work here… it began with the red shoes….moved forward into vegetarianism….jumped into creativity, new ideas, passion and adventurousness.
The red shoes opened the door to an hour in time I won’t forget.
reACTION [to change in the response to stimulus]: Surround self with like minded
Reach out to like minded people. Find a buddy or create a group to support your journey of fearless (re)discovery of self. It’s sometimes easier to have faith, courage and good ideas for someone else than it is for yourself – and easier for someone else to have them for you. Look at this relationship as a action oriented that offers moral and emotional support with the purpose of keeping you in ACTion. NOTE – Look beyond close friends or family members… in fact those who are acquaintances could be an ideal….there will be no history or expectation to cloud the shots of courage and motivation coming your way.
The red shoes were unceremoniously roused from a long winter’s nap (in the back of their Pacifc Northwest closet) and safely stowed for the long journey to Bali, Indonesia.
I was curious to see if, even in distant lands, they would work their magic, inspiring learning and instilling their trademark lessons. They did not disappoint.
Visiting new places is exciting. Everything is a surprise. Locked in the present moment 100% of the time and breathing it all in…..the sights, the smells, the sounds, the people. This is what is feels like to be fully…….Alive!
All senses are ON. Auto pilot is OFF.
On vacation we wake up embracing the day. Jumping out of bed we make plans to see and do amazing things. We immerse ourselves in experiences, capturing memories we can relive over and over once we return home. Vacation stories are full of zing and told with great enthusiasm and spark. We are in fun mode, and fully engaged in life. It’s an “OH WOW”—every day!
It makes me wonder what life would be like if we approached each day like this.
What if on non vacation days we listened intently, observed like we wanted to commit every detail and nuance to memory, with curiousity piqued and minds bursting we sought to uncover the who, what, where, when and why of everything. I’m laughing as I write. Doesn’t this sound like……..children? I remember those days…one in particular stands out – Kelly age 4 asked 12 questions during one red light. Children see through fresh eyes, ready to learn, play and explore. It’s a sense of wonder…that guides every moment of every day.
I looked up the definition of wonder here it is – rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to ones experience.
In my pursuit of fearlessly (re)discovering myself I’m aiming to view the world—my world- through new/fresh/vacation eyes. I vow to take back something I used to have….my sense of wonder. I seek to find “Oh WOW” experiences every day.
reACTION [to change in the response to stimulus]: “OH WOW” watch this
Wonder gifts us with a young, fearless spirit for life. I recently watched a TED Talk featuring a (very) young woman – Adora Svitak. She says the world needs childish thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kid’s big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups’ willingness to learn from children as much as to teach. It was an “OH WOW” 8 minutes!
At the gates of lifelong learning
Mar 21, 2013 by Cheryl

The red shoes never fail to disappoint. They connect me to fascinating people and the lessons and insights just keep coming.
Sshh – Don’t tell them but I’ve figured out their magic.
Here it is.
I’m always fully present when I wear them …laying in wait for that extraordinary thing to happen. Being in the moment allows me to see all kinds of wonderful things that I would have missed otherwise.
Next…When we expect great things to happen…….they do.
I’m betting I look open and friendly – an invitation to approach. As humans we long to connect with one another but often we need a conenctor piece….enter the red shoes…the catalyst for contact.
There you have it….the magician’s secret is out and it’s not trickery.
In Bali…the red shoes connected me to fascinating people from all over the world.
Many were ‘older’ but had the youthful look of someone decades younger. It got me thinking.
Ever notice how some people remain ageless throughout their lives? They are vibrant and quick…they laugh readily…their faces seem to glow with health despite the number of birthdays.
We can assume they eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise and have a well honed funny bone and I’m sure they would all describe themselves (as the people in Bali did) as lifelong learners.
Lifelong learners are permanently poised at the gates of learning.
They are curious, questioning and always picking up on something new. If something grabs their attention, a fresh round of questions form and they’re off on a mission to find out more. They take classes, love to engage in conversation with people of all ages and backgrounds, read a diverse range of topics and travel whenever they can. The world is their classroom. They continually push the boundaries of what they know, grapple with new ideas and find joy in expanding and stretching themselves.
reACTION [to change in the response to stimulus]: Curriculum of Me
Six months ago I started what I named The Curriculum of Me. The purpose is to create a loose structure for the on-going growth and evolution of ME. I engage in it one full day a week (ok…sometimes it’s 2 half days). I have found many resources but my favourite go-to source is TED talks. There are thousands of riveting talks by remarkable people who are today’s innovators and thought leaders AND it’s free to the world. The range of topics is endless. I make a point to watch not only those that are of immediate interest (design/psychology/entertainment) but those outside of my ‘zone’ (science/technology).
TED talks will amaze. The learning will excite you. Your horizons will be stretched. You will feel alive.
Are the Red Shoes for YOU?
Mar 18, 2013 by Cheryl

Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine that a pair of shoes could inspire, transform and deliver profound and unexpected lessons.
Yet that is exactly what the red shoes have done since wearing began in July 2012.
The Red Shoe Project was created with a dash of impish fun to explore and document the experiences of a variety of wearers. The red shoes have not disappointed. While most of the stories have been upbeat and inspiring a few took wearers by surprise….anger was provoked in friends and disapproving family prohibited the wearing of the shoes.
So that’s life… surprises abound! We learn that we may push beyond our own comfort zones and then land smack dab flattened to the wall of someone else’s. We evolve in different ways and times. Gotta love us all.
I remain fascinated by the raw emotion that can be packed into a shoe.
Having said that…..You are invited to participate in the RED SHOE PROJECT.
All mid life women with size 8 ½ – 9 ½ feet and either a love of shoes or a sense of fun (or both) are invited to participate (apologies to small footed sisters and ‘young’ women).
When, where and how you wear the red shoes is up to you.
The average wearing time has been one week and the more they are worn appears to heighten the experience and the FUN!
As a red shoe wearer and participant in the Red Shoe Project you agree to document your experience – how you felt, what happened, who you met, lessons offered and insights gained.
Red shoe stories will be shared on the Red Shoe Zone – helping mid life women fearlessly (re)discover self.
reACTION [to change in the response to stimulus]: Look for and surround with like minded
If you’re game…..let me know –
Please feel free to share this invitation.
“Do something every day that scares you.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Red Shoes spark smile revolution
Apr 30, 2013 by Cheryl

Studies show that 25% of those you smile at will return the smile and of those twenty five percent 10% will smile at someone else. With this information we could start a smile revolution.
The red shoes make people smile. I’m not exactly sure what it is about them (having studied them at length) but I know and accept they have an intangible quality that makes many people’s lips curl upward in a spontaneous lift when they see them. Interestingly they don’t have to be actually worn for this to happen as I recently discovered.
I was at a jammed packed airport security on my way to California to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. I removed the red shoes and tossed them into the tub along with my bag of liquids and gels. I walked over and joined the line preparing to walk through the scanner. “Ooohhhh….pretty shoes,” shot through the air.
I looked over. The starched and pressed female security officer was smiling and either talking to herself or the red shoes (not sure which) as she gently repositioned them to stand upright and perfectly side by side in the tub. Now, I’ve been through hundreds of airport security checks in my time and at no time did shoes have to be so specifically situated to pass through the scanner. But there they were (with assistance) standing at perfect attention ready for scanning. The security woman, still smiling, watched them make their way all the way down the belt.
I was smiling too as I watched the carefully orchestrated procedure. “Mamam….MAMAM,”a male officer was summoning my attention, “please step forward,” indicating it was my turn to walk through.
“Aahhhh Sorry,” I managed as passed security and on to collect my things.
As I slipped the shoes on, a fellow traveler came up beside me, touched my arm, smiled and said in a quiet between-you-and-me kind of way, “I love your shoes…they’re fabulous.”
“Thank you,” I beamed back at her.
I’ll probably never pin down exactly what it is about the red shoes that makes so many people smile. But I’m grateful (and mildly curious) they seem to be sparking something of a smile/happy revolution. So for the sake of humanity (and myself) I vow to continue wearing them. In 2 weeks they’ll be off to Croatia and to Hawaii on another pair of feet. Can’t wait to see who they’ll meet, what they’ll learn and what tales they’ll bring back.
PS/ Not too long ago I contacted RAGG shoes the US distributor of the red shoes. I thought they’d like to know what their shoes were up to and that they had a growing following. I found out the red shoes have a name….. Marilyn. Hmmm….they’re kinda’ feeling like a girl friend. Coffee?
Red Shoes Perform Public Service
May 7, 2013 by Cheryl

As humans we’re hard wired to connect face-to-face, it keeps us socialized and healthy….our spirit alive.
But we’re losing ground and fast becoming insular people less connected to each other and the outer world. The next time you’re out and about take a look. Some have buds in ears and are ‘inside’ somewhere, others are bumping into people, falling off curbs and walking into glass doors while having intense phone conversations (do they forget these are public places with the details being discussed?), still others have heads down, device in hand engaged in multiple functions….reading…emailing …replying…forwarding…. posting….saving… texting….status updating…tweeting….pinning…AND walking on red and into oncoming traffic. Yikes! In this race the real time real world human connection is losing.
In Starbucks the other day the person ahead of me placed an order, paid and left without once making eye contact with the clerk. This was while carrying on in a highly animated fashion…laughing and shaking head to self and device in hand. Hopefully there was an actual person on the other end.
The red shoes (and things like them) perform a public service. They are connectors. They capture our attention and snap us from the inner to the outer world. They provide an opening in the wall….an invitation for others to enter.
They remind me of the concepts in the book, The Purple Cow by Seth Godin. The book is legendary in marketing circles…it’s about how to transform your business into something remarkable. The Purple Cow is a metaphor for standing out…when something stands out it makes us look twice, snaps us into the present moment and often prompts action and connection. Imagine for a minute a purple cow in a field of monochromatic Holsteins.“LOOK a purple cow!” You get the picture. The unexpected gives us a jolt and we lean in to get a better look.
I’m a BIG dog lover. I stop (pounce on) and engage dogs and dog owners to such a degree they have NO choice but to converse with me. I’ve been known to rip (ok gently remove) dogs from the arms of owners including small children. These stories are part of our family lore. It goes like this, “remember the time mom yelled STOP THE CAR and jumped out to tackle the black cocker spaniel puppy?”
Yes, I did that. But here’s the thing, in all my years of engaging in this abhorrent behavior no one seems to mind. I quickly find out the dog’s breed, name, age, pedigree and all pertinent background information. I’m not kidding. My theory is because I passionately LOVE dogs, the ‘owners’ intuitively sense this (either that or they are afraid of what could be a potential raging lunatic) and they open the door and welcome me in. We have a brief, intense meeting and part company happy and uplifted having shared something with each other…the beloved dog.
Purple cows come in all shapes and sizes…red shoes, puppies, dogs, babies, magenta hair, bright, joyful faces..…things that say…Whoa…stop! They shake us out of our inner world and invite connection. They open the door from one person to another. They allow us a human exchange. These connections feel good. They warm the soul and feed the spirit. I’m not suggesting everyone go out and buy red shoes or acquire a puppy or a baby (heaven forbid)…but to look for the purple cows grazing everywhere. Maybe adopt one of your own…your need to connect will be richly fulfilled.
Off to Croatia….(with the red shoes) looking to connect!
Serenity in Croatia’s empty spaces
May 29, 2013 by Cheryl

We were on a week long sail, meandering down the coast of northern Croatia. The Albatross was a motorized sailboat but to me it looked like a pirate ship. Twenty castaways from six countries were in the hands of Captain Allen and his three crew and we were off to discover new lands. Thankfully for (claustrophobic) me we secured one of the 3 closet sized upper deck cabins complete with the lifesaving door and window.
Our adventure took us around and through the chain of islands that make up the jagged, lush coastline. Tiny villages nestled in coves, hours from one another and far from towns of any size dotted the landscape. Neat, square, white washed houses with red tile roofs stood proudly, surrounded by lush vegetable gardens and wild flowers dancing in the breeze. Village dogs trotted with purpose as they made their rounds. Fishing boats bobbed in the water. It took your breath away…..the very essence of peacefulness and serenity.
What do they DO here?
It kept slipping from my mouth.
I was smitten by the beauty and simplicity, I could feel myself awash in tranquility and yet my mind was making calculations, puzzling over the lack of activity, immediacy and hustle bustle. What would you do if you lived here? Where would you go? Where is the closest ‘center’?
But I had been fully seduced and that opened the door. What I saw was a clear view of myself……a lifelong go-er and do-er. Those were the terms I thought in and measured against.
I assigned value based on accomplishment and production. My measure of a good day of a well lived life was one that accomplished and experienced much. Even laid back, do nothing days had gusto.
These villages and their lovely people showed me the beauty of simplicity and the importance of quiet emptiness. Life is in a natural order and rhythm here….this is what life really looks like. It’s not dressed up in a swirl of activity….it simply is.
They take care of things….the houses immaculate and pristine…. the sea clear, clean, sparkling and aquamarine blue. They are proud of their homes, villages and country. It shows.
People are happy. I saw the warm smiles, I felt the peace. Their connectedness has deep roots…..they are rooted just like their gardens. There is a lack of excess yet a feeling of abundance……. in simple things.
There are many ways to live rich lives. This was one of them. I will return home with a piece of it. I want to create simplicity and (most importantly) allow the empty space. This is the place where the insight dawns and knowingness is born.
I got it.
When in Rome…..
Jun 4, 2013 by Cheryl

………do so as the Romans do (or in this case as Croatian women do)…at least make best effort!
Split, Croatia – May 19, 2013 – I love the way European women look! They all seem to have an inherent sense of style that is….well….extraordinary.
There’s something about each one that jumps out. The way a scarf is wrapped….lipstick applied…..sweater draped….the colour or the shape of the glasses…..the heels…the bracelets…the bag…the boots…..the hair twisted or loosely falling…the way its all pulled together into an beautiful and interesting picture….so highly individualistic…like no other. I like the air of confidence and self assuredness that carries it all.
In Europe style is not confined to the young. I vividly remember a woman in Paris years ago… she was in her late 60’s or early 70’s…exquisitely and simply put together in a black sweater and straight skirt…she wore heels…. her hair pulled back into a tight twist, her pale skin free of makeup except for the deep red lips…her eyes bright. A baguette was tucked under her arm. I imagined she was headed home to prepare lunch of pate, cheese, cornichons and bread. Her grace…femininity and style captivated me. I watched until she disappeared behind the door to a flat.
It’s certainly a different culture where I live in Vancouver, British Columbia (Conde Nast Traveler’s top city in Canada) a beautiful, natural outdoor wonderland that demands an active lifestyle. We walk, run, cycle, ski, snowboard, go to the gym, do pilates and yoga. We’re among the healthiest people in Canada but our style can best be described as non-descript/casual. As much as I love fashion and enthusiastically gobble up the latest edition of Vogue I’m 0ften still in exercise gear from my 8 am workout at the end of the day. I tell myself (because I work from home) at least its not pyjamas.
Admittedly it gets worse from a style standpoint…. I’m also known for slapping conditioner on my hair, slicking it back in a pony tail, pulling on jeans, a sweater and a pair of flip flops and running my errands. Ugh.
Oh Geez…could you imagine if I lived in Europe? I would be extradited back to my country of origin…..sent packing by the fashion police and culture squad.
I LOVE and appreciate a sense of style. I wonder how I can incorporate more of it here at home. European women make it look so easy and effortless. Maybe it is (for them) it’s as ingrained in their culture as pulling on a pair of tights and lacing up running shoes is in mine. But wait I have RED SHOES! They’ve got style and personality and just enough individuality to grab the attention of many who walk the same paths as I. I have so much fun wearing them…. they make me feel happy…upbeat…kinda cheeky. I remember the first time I wore them my friend Karen said, “You owned those shoes sister”…..I looked at her with my best incredulous look but I got it.
When a style is ours it comes complete with self assurance, an attitude, a twinkle (call it what you will) it makes for a standout in the human landscape. It says this is who I am. It draws people in…. it creates interest and conversation. It makes life more FUN!
Style is stepping from a comfort zone of the ‘norm’ where we fit in and blend in… a place where we stand alone as the creator of ourselves.
Ciao…off to create some fun!
It’s a Wonder-ful Life
Jun 11, 2013 by Cheryl

Red shoes poised at the brink of a new adventure on the Croatian island of Rab. Walking along unknown streets and alleys….you never know what wonder-ful and interesting things await. When travelling in far-off lands we fearlessly embrace the unknown with child like wonder. No courage required we gamely go forth with a call of, “bring it on!”
Remember when everything used to make you feel wonder and awe? A fluffy caterpillar inching its way along a branch, a stringy white cloud changing shape in a clear blue sky, a spider spinning a intricate web …nearly everything made eyes pop and mouths drop when we were kids.
Wonder allows us to look at things as if seeing them for the first time. We need to explore wonder more often, because as adults, many of us lose our sense of wonder in life. It gets buried under piles of to do’s, bills and responsibilities. We are never too old, too mature or too sensible to have a sense of wonder in fact it keeps us youthful and fearless and life wonder-ful!
Since most of us don’t have the resources to travel all the time, wonder has to be found in our everyday lives. How often do you marvel at your daily life? It’s usually a fleeting moment, if at all…right? So cultivating wonder would seem worthwhile.
I’ve listed some of my ideas below.
reACTION [to change in the response to stimulus]: Finding Wonder
WATCH KIDS – Kids approach life with a sense of wonder. Everything is new and bright. Everything is exciting. We can all take a lesson from observing children, from how excited they touch and explore, how they smile at the simplest things. Apply some of that wonder to your daily life.
ENGAGE IN CREATIVITY – I’ve been passionate about the area of creativity for a long time…first working with students and teachers and later corporations. We are all innately creative and have much more creative potential than we think.
Visit previous posts…flexing the creative muscle….imaginating…seeing the world with new eyes.
TRAVEL TO FAR-OFF PLACES – If your budget actually allows you to do tons of traveling, start packing! If not, go to the local library, and check out the section on travel. Look for travel essays where the writer is immersed in the culture or pick a general book like 1,000 Places to See Before You Die—both will activate wonder!
LEARN SOMETHING NEW – Learning is one of the best ways you can cultivate wonder. You can either dig deeper into topics you’re already familiar with, or take on a totally strange, interesting subject. Starting with books is easy, if you’re not a big reader, watch The Discovery or History Channel or visit a museum. Ask yourself: What topics have I always wanted to learn about? What classes did I want to take in high school or college but didn’t have time to? What topics make me happy?
Go to TED Talks to hear over 1500 talks by thought leaders from around the world on a wide range of topics. Whenever I want to feel an “OH Wow” this is where I go!
Coursera is something I’ve just heard about and very exciting! It’s an education company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. There are close to 400 courses in over 20 categories created by 62 Universities from 16 countries. It’s definitely worth a look!
If you have other ideas for cultivating wonder please share!
What’s shoe love all about?
Jul 8, 2013 by Cheryl

Does your heart race when you look at shoes you consider buying? Do you feel pure joy course through your veins when you wear them for the first time? If you answered, “YES!”…you are a charter member of The Women Who Love Shoes Club.
I’m on a visitors pass.
As time goes on, I must admit I am becoming more and more fascinated with ‘shoe love’ in particular the sub culture of –‘red shoe love’.
I’ve witnessed women literally transform in front of my eyes as they describe a pair of beloved shoes which grows to include a time in their lives, how they felt and the experiences that went with. It’s mesmerizing to say the least and totally thought provoking. So I figure if there’s an opportunity for some extra love in our lives…let’s take a look!
My mission this week: Explore (red) Shoe Love.
In late spring a friend (Leslie the music lover) was vacationing in London and Paris and snapped a bunch of pictures of red shoes (including the one above). She had purchased 2 pairs of her own red shoes before leaving. They were decidedly more conservative (a cheerful sneaker and a happy sandal) than the ones that caught her eye abroad. I don’t think hers were threatened by their high style European sisters. They were comfortable in their own skin (upper?).
OK… So here’s what I know…Women who love shoes don’t just love their shoes they also LOVE the pursuit of them! Did you know that for many women “buying shoes taps into the most primitive of instincts; the hunt, the chase and the kill,” states writer Alyssa Siegel in Psychology Tomorrow Magazine. Apparently even thinking about shoe shopping (for Women Who Love Shoes) causes the adrenaline to pump. By the time they arrive at the shoe store the dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin and serotonin are already releasing. That’s impressive.
According to Martin Lindstrom author of Buyology:Truth and Lies About Why We Buy, “when women buy other kinds of apparel the dopamine flatlines when the debit card is swiped but not with shoes women rationalize shoes are a practical buy-something they can wear multiple times a week- so they hold onto that pleasurable feeling longer.”
Here’s another little known fact —buying new shoes stimulates an area of the brain’s prefrontal cortex termed ‘the collecting spot’. Shoes are viewed as a collecting item (think stamps), “adding to the collection evokes a mini adrenaline rush”, says Helen Fisher PhD Professor of Anthropology Rutgers University.
I’m starting to see shoe shopping as a socially responsible activity as well as an investment in health. Could we stave off minor depression with a prescription for shoe shopping and at least a trial membership in The Women Who Love Shoes Club?
Hmmmmm….I’ll be thinking about that
Red Shoes are everywhere
Jul 10, 2013 by Cheryl

Red Shoe magic appears to be universal getting legs moving, hearts pumping and imagination flowing!
Red Shoe Shuffle – a 5km walk/run across the US benefiting Ronald MacDonald Houses.
Red Shoe Walk – 8 mile walk along the River Thames benefiting British Red Cross.
Walk a Mile in Her RED Shoes – 1 mile ‘walk’ in Peterborough, Ontario by courageous men, bold enough to strut their stuff in red high heels in support of women and children facing violence in their homes.
The most famous red shoes – Dorothy’s ruby slippers in the Wizard of OZ
The fairytale – The Red Shoes by Hans Christian Anderson written in 1845
The classic movie – The Red Shoes a 1948 British feature film about a ballet dancer torn between the man she loves and her pursuit to become a prima ballerina
The Horror Movie – The Red Shoes a 2005 Korean horror film
The animated feature – The Red Shoes an 1989 animated feature film from the US
The Love Story – The Red Shoes a 2010 love story from the Philippines
The Album – The Red Shoes – released in 2007 by British musician Kate Bush
The Pub – Red Shoe Pub– Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, CANADA
Supernatural Shoe Facts
Jul 9, 2013 by Cheryl

The arrival of the red shoes in my life triggered an unexpected journey of exploration and self discovery.“THIS….is from a shoe???!!” I would exclaim every time insight and understanding dawned. Friends, members of The Women Who Love Shoes Club, smiled knowing smiles and nodded. They shared their stories and offered membership to the Club. While I’m still on a visitors pass I am fascinated by what clearly is a love, deeply connected to the heart…and decidedly magical.
Today, facts that imbue-the-shoe with supernatural-ness.
FACT#1 – Buying and wearing shoes can be a serious mood booster for many women with a real physiological root. Once the neurotransmitter dopamine is released it produces a feel good high, described as being similar to taking a drug.
FACT#2 – While sales of most things slumped during the recession footwear sales went up in every quarter.
FACT #3 -Like animals we associate height with power. High heels immediately raise our status (in the kingdom).
FACT#4 – In previous centuries only the wealthy wore heels… we still see them as denoting class.
FACT#5 – Heels make every leg look great and the wearer slimmer.
FACT#6 – High heels (stilettos) cause the wearer to assume a primal mating poise called ‘lordosis’ where the behind lifts and the back arches. (Helen Fisher PhD professor of Anthropology Rutgers University)
FACT#7 – A pound or two may be gained but shoe size never changes.
FACT#8 – Women will buy shoes in the wrong size if they love them.
FACT#9 – Some women rarely wear the shoes they love most. Instead they will view the shoe as a coveted work of art to be looked at and only occasionally touched.
FACT#10 – Dr Daniel Amen author of The Brain in Love said, “Our minds are structured in a way that we may associate feet with sex. The area of the brain that communicates with the genitals is right next to the area that deals with feet these regions share neural cross talk which may be why shoes can be erotic”.
FACT#11 – Red Shoes have the distinct honor of being their own sub culture. Red shoes can set wearers and those around them off balance in both a negative and positive way (as I learned from red shoe project wearers).
Could this be why? Red excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. As the color of blood, it has strong symbolism to life and vitality — passion and lust. Red signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination.
FACT #12 – Red is known to: increase enthusiasm and interest – provide energy – encourage action and confidence to go after your dreams – protection from fears and anxieties.
What I learned from going through my shoe closet
I have less than 20 pairs of shoes and therefore fall below the national average. If I do join The Women Who Love Shoes Club I will have a lot of catching up to do which of course will require lots of shoe shopping. This would be heavily endorsed by my husband as I’d be in a permanently happy place virtually swimming in dopamine.
I realized that most of the shoes in my closet were purchased because they looked FUN…I can only assume I have a couple of crossed wires?
I have more heels than flats…I love high heels….the added height makes me feel powerful. I am an introvert who masquerades as an extrovert so the increased size helps me be more out there or would it be up there? Regardless… for me.
My red shoes make me happy, I swear they create energy and draw people and opportunities to me.
A Sociologist from New Zealand spent several months asking why women wear red shoes. Her report included research that indicates bright red shoes have an overpowering effect on men and that some men may become befuddled and even confused. This leads them to stammer and perspire.
I read it to my husband.
I’m howling!
He’s smiling.
Carole’s adventure with the red shoes
Jul 11, 2013 by Cheryl

Today a new member – Carole Cameron (pictured) – joins the sisterhood of the travelling red shoes. Not only was I thrilled Carole agreed to take on the shoes and be a part of The Red Shoe Project I was excited to meet her on a recent visit to Vancouver from her home outside Toronto. Carole is the author of a (fabulous) book, of great interest to me and 33% of the population, Sp!ash – an introvert’s guide to being, seen, heard and remembered.Carole promises to write another post based on her book soon. In the meantime you can get a jump on it and take an informal Meyers Briggs personality test to determine and understand your personality type. If you’re are an introvert (like me) I strongly recommend you read Sp!ash not only will it give you one A-ha after another and align you with ‘kin’ it will help move you out of the shadows into the forefront of your best life! Allowing you to Make a Sp!ash!
My “Adventure” with the Red Shoes
By Carole Cameron
It was my dear friend Debbie who introduced me to The Red Shoes. To the shoes themselves, the philosophy behind them, and of course, to the inspirational instigator of it all, Cheryl.
When Debbie shared the story with me, I immediately wanted to get in on the “sisterhood”, and have a go with the shoes myself! The shoes arrived at my home in Milton, Ontario at the end of May. Strangely enough, they sat on the end-table in the family room, unworn, for 3 weeks. As much as I believed in their “life-changing qualities”, I was waiting for the “perfect opportunity” to have my experience. I made lots of excuses…they are really not my style, I’m really not a shoe person, they are so high that I measure over 6 feet tall when wearing them…
I went to New York City in early June with a girlfriend, but again, the “perfect” opportunity didn’t present itself. I took them to a Polo match, where we sported fancy dresses and outrageous hats. But still they lay at the bottom of my bag, unworn.
At the end of June, I took them with me to a book club gathering at a friend’s lovely country home. Six of us sat in a circle on the deck. I took them out, modelled them, and told Cheryl’s inspirational story of the shoes and what they represent. One other friend tried them on. We all loved them. And then the magic started.
Each of us shared a “life-changing” moment. From a turning point, to a tragedy, to meeting a mentor, to the achievement of an important goal. We each shared how it happened, what it took to make it happen, how it felt, what was learned, what will always/never be done again. Some shared things that they had never told anyone before. We laughed until we cried, and cried until we laughed. It was “perfect”.
Yes, the Red Shoes truly have the strange and mysterious ability to create amazing events and connections. Sometimes you don’t even have to put them on.